Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boca Raton Motorcycle Accident Defense - Brian Glick P.A.

Were you or a loved one injured in a motorcycle accident in Boca Raton, FL? Motorcycle accidents are one of the most dangerous and devastating accidents on our roadways. These accidents often leave behind a trail of destruction and many times serious injuries and fatalities occur. Know your rights and protect them. You need a lawyer who will fight for your rights, and deliver justice for you and your family. Call the Law Office of Brian J. Glick today for a free case review. has over 100 years of combined legal experience helping those individuals who have been injured in motorcycle accidents due to the negligence of others. Call us at 1-800-755-8998 *All consultations are free of charge.

Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Campus Lawyers understand that motorcycle accidents can cause severe injuries as well psychological trauma after a serious accident. Our experienced teams of attorneys specialize in motorcycle injury cases and can help both the driver and riders in these types of serious accidents. We have earned some of the largest settlements for these cases in the country.

What Separates Us From Other Law Firms

Our duty to you as our client is to protect your legal rights and ensure that we document your legal case properly in order to achieve the legal justice you deserve and the highest possible settlement for you and your family. Motorcycle accident cases often require special attention and a clear understanding of the law. Since insurance requirements are at times different for the driver of a motorcycle as opposed to those of an automobile driver, it is crucial for your case that information about your motorcycle accident is gathered promptly and that witness statements, police reports and any pertinent data are made available so that our legal team can file a claim in your behalf. If for some reason you are unable to collect the documents, our team of investigators and lawyers will work on your behalf to obtain these documents.

Count On Our Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

An accident involving a motorcycle almost always results in a severe injury and sometimes even death. Our attorneys have represented families who's loved ones have suffered traumatic brain injuries, loss of limbs, serious burns, fractures and even death. For these reasons, it is important that if you or a loved one were seriously injured in a motorcycle accident that you seek medical attention immediately and experienced legal representation as soon as possible. Time is not always on your side and ensuring that you have the right medical attention, and then the right attorneys to represent your legal rights should be your first priorities.

Contact Campus Lawyer

We offer "Free Consultations" and our "Fee Guarantee." If we are unable to win your case, there is never a cost to you. There is No Fee Unless We Settle. Call 1.800.755​.8998 today or simply fill out our online form so that one of our lawyers may contact you

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Car Accident Defense Lawyer - Defending your Rights - Brian J. Glick

 Injured in a car accident in Boca Raton, FL? Are you now faced with medical bills, a totaled vehicle plus the insurance company is not returning your calls? You need a lawyer who will fight for your rights, and get you the money you deserve for your injuries and lost wages. Call the Law Offices of Brian J. Glick for a free case review. has over 100 years of combined legal experience assisting those individuals who have been injured in car accidents due to the negligence of others. Call today *1-800-755-8998. All consultations are free of charge.

Monday, April 15, 2013 - 11 ways to avoid Car Accidents

Car accidents happen all the time. Someone's car is totaled once every 5 seconds. Avoiding car accidents can save you a lot of time and money. This means learning defensive driving. But what exactly is defensive driving? The following 11 Steps will help you to become a more defensive driver:

Slow down. Obey the speed limit even if every other car is surpassing it. Remember that police officers often stay hidden from view while looking for speeders. If you're caught driving too fast, they won't hesitate to give you a ticket.

Let others pass you. Defensive driving means letting others go ahead-not defending your position in traffic. Avoid the urge to be a vigilante ("Oh yeah? Let me show you what it's like to be cut off like that!") Accept the fact that someone is always going to think they're in more of a hurry than you. These are the drivers you want to move far away from, not to 'teach them a lesson.'

Try to avoid driving in bad weather. Always keep your windshield wipers going in the rain or snow. Defrost your windshield to keep it from fogging up. Turn on your headlights to help others to see you--this is also the law in some states. If possible, try to avoid driving in the snow at all, especially if your car is rear wheel drive. If you must go out in the snow, drive extra slow, use the brakes and gas pedal gently, and maintain an increased stopping distance.

Never get into a car with a drunk driver. It is always best to have a "designated driver". Never drive after you have had alcoholic beverages. Even one beer can alter your ability to drive safely.

Wear a seatbelt. This is a must. By law in many countries, all cars must have a safety restraint. Buckling up only takes a second and can save your life in an accident. Children should always be in a booster seat or car seat until they are tall enough and heavy enough to sit by themselves. This generally includes children age eight and under. Never put a child in a car or booster seat in the front passenger seat or other seat with airbags. Children should generally be 12 and older when sitting in the front passenger seat.

Keep your car and its accessories in good condition. Keep the tires properly inflated, the brakes adjusted, and the windshields and windows clean. Replace windshield wiper blades when they begin to streak, and all make sure all the lights are working properly.

Use your signals properly. Always use your signal, even if you think no one is there. When changing lanes on the freeway, don't signal as an afterthought or during the lane change. Signal at least a couple of seconds in advance so others know what you're going to do before you do it. (Ever notice how most of the skid marks along the highway are just before an exit ramp? - this is where you have to be the most careful.)

Don't tailgate. No matter how slowly traffic is moving, keep at least two seconds of following distance between you and the car ahead. Any less and you won't be able to stop in time if the driver ahead slams on the brakes.

Keep your eyes moving. Don't get in the habit of staring at the back of the car ahead of you. Periodically shift your eyes to the side-view mirrors, the rear-view mirror, and ahead to where you'll be in 10-15 seconds. Doing this, you can spot a potentially dangerous situation before it happens.

Dim your lights when driving at night, when another car is approaching, or when you are following behind a vehicle. Your lights can temporarily blind another driver.

Avoid distractions when you are driving. Pull over if you need to talk on the phone, read directions, or eat a snack. It only takes a second or two of distraction to get into trouble. Texting while driving is the number one cause of most accidents, the messages can wait!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Boca RAton, FL. Vehicular Manslaughter Defense - Campus Lawyer

Vehicular Manslaughter Defense Lawyer

Aggressive Defense for Vehicular Manslaughter Charges

A charge of vehicular manslaughter is serious and maximum penalties may include up to 30 years in prison, depending on the circumstances. If you have been charged with vehicular manslaughter, DUI manslaughter or vehicular homicide, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer to evaluate your situation and help you protect your future from severe consequences.

A defense for vehicular manslaughter charges can be complicated and typically requires a seasoned attorney who is familiar with the nuances and updates in the related laws. Campus Lawyers have more than 30 years of experience in the criminal justice system, and our attorneys have defend individuals against a wide variety of state criminal charges, including vehicular manslaughter.

Thorough Investigations and Effective DUI Manslaughter Defense

In order to build an effective defense for charges of vehicular manslaughter, it is important that your attorney conducts a thorough and timely investigation of the accident to learn what happened and how it compares with what is alleged by law enforcement and prosecutors.

Our Lawyers, working with investigators and expert witnesses in a variety of fields, will reconstruct accidents and do independent analyses of physical evidence. If police allege that drunk driving or reckless driving was a cause of the accident, my team and I will look at breath and blood test results as well as initial police reports and witness testimony from the accident scene.

During your defense, our attorneys will explore every angle and look at every potential weakness in the prosecution's case. I will also aggressively argue for your rights in the courtroom and skillfully work with prosecutors to give you every advantage possible.

Contact Campus Lawyer

Campus Lawyer offers legal representation to those individuals who have been charged with most any type of criminal offense. From Traffic Tickets to DUI Charges and from Drug Trafficking to Murder Charges, our national team of experienced attorneys is ready to deliver and mount a winning defense that will bring you the most favorable results in your case. When your freedom, your rights, and your life may be at stake, there is no room for mistakes or second guessing. You need the most experienced criminal attorneys in the industry.

Campus Lawyer has researched and selected only the top rated law firms for our service. These firms have defended some of the most difficult and most challenging cases in the country and have delivered winning results day after day.

Campus Lawyer has thousands of attorneys ready to help you in every city, state and near every college campus in the country. We urge you not to delay your call and to speak to one of our Campus Lawyers as soon as possible. We can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1.800.755.8998. You can also submit an online contact form to present your questions to a criminal defense lawyer, near you who will assist you in all your legal needs. All initial consultations are Free of Charge and affordable payment plans are available on a case by case basis.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Campus Lawyer - Boca Raton Car Accident Attorney

Car Accident Lawyers/Attorneys

Getting into a car accident brings lots of problems and headaches that can disrupt your life. Your car may be non-drivable and you may have serious injuries that require medical attention. When you contact 24/7 Campus Lawyers, we take the stress out of the equation and will help you get your car fixed and get you the medical attention that you need. This is a free service we provide to you when you become our client. The insurance company for the at-fault party will avoid your calls, try to offer you a low settlement, and delay dealing with you so they don't have to pay.

Let Our Car Accident Lawyers Help You Today

Serious Car Accidents happen every day. These accidents cause serious injuries, fractures, and loss of limbs and in some cases loss of life. It is vital to your case, that if you were injured in a car accident, that you seek the professional advice of a qualified Personal Injury Attorney. Campus Lawyers have a legal team available to you that are ready to listen, and then act in your behalf. Call today for your FREE no obligation consultation.

Count On Our Experienced Car Accident Lawyers

Campus Lawyers have represented clients statewide who have been seriously injured in car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents and many other accidents due to the negligence or recklessness of others. Our attorneys have settled some of the largest car accident cases in the country and our combined experience gives you a power house of aggressive lawyers who are ready to fight for your legal rights.

Contact Campus Lawyer

If you were injured in a car accident, please contact Campus Lawyer for a Criminal Defense Lawyer in your area. Time is not on your side, and the longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to present your claim to the at fault insurance company. We offer "Free Consultations" and our "Fee Guarantee." If we are unable to win your case, there is never a cost to you. There is No Fee Unless We Settle. Call 1.800.755​.8998 today or simply fill out our online car accident form so that one of our lawyers may contact you.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Wrongful Death Case Defense - Boca Raton, FL. Campus Lawyer


Wrongful Death Lawyers

If you are searching for the right attorney to help you with a case of wrongful death, we first want to give you our condolences. Sudden death is devastating and we can only hope to help anyway possible through this time of need. Campus Lawyers can seek the justice you and your family deserve. Our attorneys have represented families who have lost loved ones due to the negligence, medical malpractice, car accidents, or inaction of a third party. Wrongful death lawsuits can be filed by the families of loved ones against the responsible party in order to collect damages for their loss. We understand that nothing can bring loved ones back, but we work tirelessly to hold accountable the negligent party for their wrongful actions.

Wrongful Death Case Damages

Wrongful deaths can occur due to accidents from a motorcycle, truck, car or bus, construction accidents, animal attacks, nursing home abuse, defective products, or medical malpractice. In cases which a successful wrongful death lawsuit has been filed, thousands and even millions of dollars have been awarded to the families of the loved ones. Often times this money is used to pay for funeral expenses, medical bills and other expenses incurred by the wrongful death.

How Campus Lawyers Can Help

Hiring an experienced wrongful death attorney will always be your best course of action. The sooner you talk with one of our experts, the better. Our firm has experience in this field of law and we understand the challenges in filing a wrongful death law suit. We are also experts with the statues of limitations and are able to work within the state guidelines.

Contact Campus Lawyer

We offer "Free Consultations" and our "Fee Guarantee." If we are unable to win your case, there is never a cost to you. There is No Fee Unless We Settle. Call 1.800.755​.8998 today or simply fill out our online form so that one of our lawyers may contact you.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wrongful Death Statistics -

USA Wrongful Death Statistics


All unintentional injury deaths:

Number of deaths: 120,859

Deaths per 100,000 population: 39.1

Unintentional fall deaths

Number of deaths: 26,009

Deaths per 100,000 population: 8.4

Motor vehicle traffic deaths

Number of deaths: 33,687

Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.9

Unintentional poisoning deaths

Number of deaths: 33,041

Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.7


Wrongful Death Lawyers

If you are searching for the right attorney to help you with a case of wrongful death, we first want to give you our condolences. Sudden death is devastating and we can only hope to help anyway possible through this time of need. Campus Lawyers can seek the justice you and your family deserve. Our attorneys have represented families who have lost loved ones due to the negligence, medical malpractice, car accidents, or inaction of a third party. Wrongful death lawsuits can be filed by the families of loved ones against the responsible party in order to collect damages for their loss. We understand that nothing can bring loved ones back, but we work tirelessly to hold accountable the negligent party for their wrongful actions.

Wrongful Death Case Damages

Wrongful deaths can occur due to accidents from a motorcycle, truck, car or bus, construction accidents, animal attacks, nursing home abuse, defective products, or medical malpractice. In cases which a successful wrongful death lawsuit has been filed, thousands and even millions of dollars have been awarded to the families of the loved ones. Often times this money is used to pay for funeral expenses, medical bills and other expenses incurred by the wrongful death.

How Campus Lawyers Can Help

Hiring an experienced wrongful death attorney will always be your best course of action. The sooner you talk with one of our experts, the better. Our firm has experience in this field of law and we understand the challenges in filing a wrongful death law suit. We are also experts with the statues of limitations and are able to work within the state guidelines.

Contact Campus Lawyer

We offer "Free Consultations" and our "Fee Guarantee." If we are unable to win your case, there is never a cost to you. There is No Fee Unless We Settle. Call 1.800.755​.8998 today or simply fill out our online form so that one of our lawyers may contact you.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Vehicular Manslaughter committed by Celebrities -

Famous people convicted of Vehicular Manslaughter
  • Craig MacTavish, former NHL Hockey player

  • Dany Heatley, current NHL Hockey player

  • Dwayne Goodrich, former Dallas Cowboys football player

  • Charles E. Smith, basketball player for Georgetown University and Boston Celtics

  • Lane Garrison, television actor in Prison Break

  • Rebecca Gayheart, television and movie actress.

  • Amy Locane, television and movie actress.

Vehicular Manslaughter Defense Lawyer

Aggressive Defense for Vehicular Manslaughter Charges

A charge of vehicular manslaughter is serious and maximum penalties may include up to 30 years in prison, depending on the circumstances. If you have been charged with vehicular manslaughter, DUI manslaughter or vehicular homicide, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer to evaluate your situation and help you protect your future from severe consequences.

A defense for vehicular manslaughter charges can be complicated and typically requires a seasoned attorney who is familiar with the nuances and updates in the related laws. Campus Lawyers have more than 30 years of experience in the criminal justice system, and our attorneys have defend individuals against a wide variety of state criminal charges, including vehicular manslaughter.

Thorough Investigations and Effective DUI Manslaughter Defense

In order to build an effective defense for charges of vehicular manslaughter, it is important that your attorney conducts a thorough and timely investigation of the accident to learn what happened and how it compares with what is alleged by law enforcement and prosecutors.

Our Lawyers, working with investigators and expert witnesses in a variety of fields, will reconstruct accidents and do independent analyses of physical evidence. If police allege that drunk driving or reckless driving was a cause of the accident, my team and I will look at breath and blood test results as well as initial police reports and witness testimony from the accident scene.

During your defense, our attorneys will explore every angle and look at every potential weakness in the prosecution's case. I will also aggressively argue for your rights in the courtroom and skillfully work with prosecutors to give you every advantage possible.

Contact Campus Lawyer

Campus Lawyer offers legal representation to those individuals who have been charged with most any type of criminal offense. From Traffic Tickets to DUI Charges and from Drug Trafficking to Murder Charges, our national team of experienced attorneys is ready to deliver and mount a winning defense that will bring you the most favorable results in your case. When your freedom, your rights, and your life may be at stake, there is no room for mistakes or second guessing. You need the most experienced criminal attorneys in the industry.

Campus Lawyer has researched and selected only the top rated law firms for our service. These firms have defended some of the most difficult and most challenging cases in the country and have delivered winning results day after day.

Campus Lawyer has thousands of attorneys ready to help you in every city, state and near every college campus in the country. We urge you not to delay your call and to speak to one of our Campus Lawyers as soon as possible. We can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1.800.755.8998. You can also submit an online contact form to present your questions to a criminal defense lawyer, near you who will assist you in all your legal needs. All initial consultations are Free of Charge and affordable payment plans are available on a case by case basis.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Car Accident Defense - Brian Glick P.A.

Were you or a loved one injured in a car accident in Boca Raton, FL? Are you now faced with medical bills, a totaled vehicle plus the insurance company is not returning your calls? You need a lawyer who will fight for your rights, and get you the money you deserve for your injuries and lost wages. Call the Law Offices of Brian J. Glick for a free case review. has over 100 years of combined legal experience helping those individuals who have been injured in car accidents due to the negligence of others. Call today *1-800-755-8998. All consultations are free of charge.

Car Accident Lawyers/Attorneys

Getting into a car accident brings lots of problems and headaches that can disrupt your life. Your car may be non-drivable and you may have serious injuries that require medical attention. When you contact Campus Lawyers, we take the stress out of the equation and will help you get your car fixed and refer you to a doctor so that you can get you the medical attention that you need. This is a free service we provide to you. The insurance company for the at-fault party will avoid your calls, try to offer you a low settlement, and delay dealing with you so they don't have to pay.

Let Our Car Accident Lawyers Help You Today

Serious Car Accidents happen every day. These accidents cause serious injuries, fractures, and loss of limbs and in some cases loss of life. It is vital to your case, that if you were injured in a car accident, that you seek the professional advice of a qualified Personal Injury Attorney. Campus Lawyers have a legal team available to you that are ready to listen, and then act in your behalf. Call today for your FREE no obligation consultation.

Count On Our Experienced Car Accident Lawyers

Campus Lawyers have represented clients statewide who have been seriously injured in car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents and many other accidents due to the negligence or recklessness of others. Our attorneys have settled some of the largest car accident cases in the country and our combined experience gives you a power house of aggressive lawyers who are ready to fight for your legal rights.

Contact Campus Lawyer

If you were injured in a car accident, please contact Campus Lawyer. Time is not on your side, and the longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to present your claim to the at fault insurance company. We offer "Free Consultations" and our "Fee Guarantee." If we are unable to win your case, there is never a cost to you. There is No Fee Unless We Settle. Call 1.800.755​.8998 today or simply fill out our online car accident form so that one of our lawyers may contact you.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Boca Raton Car Accident Assistance - Campus

Have you or a loved one been Injured in a car accident in the city limits of Boca Raton, FL? Are you unfortunately now faced with medical bills and a totaled vehicle? Is the insurance company not returning your calls? You need a lawyer who will fight for your rights, and get you the money you deserve for your injuries and lost wages. Call the Law Offices of Brian J. Glick for a free case review. has over 100 years of combined legal experience assisting those individuals who have been injured in car accidents due to the negligence of others. Call today *1-800-755-8998. All consultations are free of charge.

Contact Campus Lawyer

Campus Lawyer offers legal representation to those individuals who have been charged with most any type of Personal Injury offense. From car accidents to slip and fall cases, our national team of experienced attorneys is ready to deliver and mount a winning defense that will bring you the most favorable results in your case. When your freedom, your rights, and your life may be at stake, there is no room for mistakes or second guessing. You need the most experienced personal injury attorneys in the industry.
Campus Lawyer has researched and selected only the top rated law firms for our service. These firms have defended some of the most difficult and most challenging cases in the country and have delivered winning results day after day.
Campus Lawyer has thousands of attorneys ready to help you in every city, state and near every college campus in the country. We urge you not to delay your call and to speak to one of our Campus Lawyers as soon as possible. We can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1.800.755.8998. You can also submit an online contact form to present your questions to a personal injury defense lawyer, near you who will assist you in all your legal needs. All initial consultations are Free of Charge and affordable payment plans are available on a case by case basis.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Car Accident Fatalities, the Risks of Driving

The High Price We Pay To Drive

The highest price we pay for car crashes is in the loss of human lives, however society also bears the brunt of the many costs associated with motor vehicle accidents. In 2010 the cost of medical care and productivity losses associated with motor vehicle crash injuries was over $99 billion, or nearly $500, for each licensed driver in the United States. In addition, every 10 seconds an American is treated in an emergency department for crash-related injuries, based on data from 2005.

A 2008 report by the Automobile Association of America states that according to the Federal Highway Administration, the per-person cost of traffic fatalities in 2005 dollars is $3.2 million and $68,170 for injuries. AAA estimates the cost of traffic crashes to be $166.7 billion. Costs include medical, emergency services, police services, property damage, lost productivity, and quality of life.

In 2011, 32,310 people died in motor vehicle crashes, down 1.7 percent from 2010, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. In 2010, 32,885 people died in motor vehicle crashes and an additional 2,243,000 people were injured.


Car Accident Lawyers/Attorneys

Getting into a car accident brings lots of problems and headaches that can disrupt your life. Your car may be non-drivable and you may have serious injuries that require medical attention. When you contact Campus Lawyers, we take the stress out of the equation and will help you get your car fixed and refer you to a doctor so that you can get you the medical attention that you need. This is a free service we provide to you. The insurance company for the at-fault party will avoid your calls, try to offer you a low settlement, and delay dealing with you so they don't have to pay.

Let Our Car Accident Lawyers Help You Today

Serious Car Accidents happen every day. These accidents cause serious injuries, fractures, and loss of limbs and in some cases loss of life. It is vital to your case, that if you were injured in a car accident, that you seek the professional advice of a qualified Personal Injury Attorney. Campus Lawyers have a legal team available to you that are ready to listen, and then act in your behalf. Call today for your FREE no obligation consultation.

Count On Our Experienced Car Accident Lawyers

Campus Lawyers have represented clients statewide who have been seriously injured in car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents and many other accidents due to the negligence or recklessness of others. Our attorneys have settled some of the largest car accident cases in the country and our combined experience gives you a power house of aggressive lawyers who are ready to fight for your legal rights.

Contact Campus Lawyer

If you were injured in a car accident, please contact Campus Lawyer. Time is not on your side, and the longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to present your claim to the at fault insurance company. We offer "Free Consultations" and our "Fee Guarantee." If we are unable to win your case, there is never a cost to you. There is No Fee Unless We Settle. Call 1.800.755​.8998 today or simply fill out our online car accident form so that one of our lawyers may contact you.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Boca Raton, FL. Car Accident Defense - Campus

Were you or a loved one injured in a car accident in Boca Raton, FL? Are you now faced with medical bills, a totaled vehicle plus the insurance company is not returning your calls? You need a lawyer who will fight for your rights, and get you the money you deserve for your injuries and lost wages. Call the Law Offices of Brian J. Glick for a free case review. has over 100 years of combined legal experience helping those individuals who have been injured in car accidents due to the negligence of others. Call today *1-800-755-8998.  All consultations are free of charge.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Boca Raton, FL. Car Accident Defense - Brian Glick PA.

Were you or a loved one injured in a car accident in Boca Raton, FL? Are you now faced with medical bills, a totaled vehicle plus the insurance company is not returning your calls? You need a lawyer who will fight for your rights, and get you the money you deserve for your injuries and lost wages. Call the Law Offices of Brian J. Glick for a free case review. has over 100 years of combined legal experience helping those individuals who have been injured in car accidents due to the negligence of others. Call today *1-800-755-8998.  All consultations are free of charge.

Car Accident Lawyers/Attorneys

Getting into a car accident brings lots of problems and headaches that can disrupt your life. Your car may be non-drivable and you may have serious injuries that require medical attention. When you contact Campus Lawyers, we take the stress out of the equation and will help you get your car fixed and refer you to a doctor so that you can get you the medical attention that you need. This is a free service we provide to you. The insurance company for the at-fault party will avoid your calls, try to offer you a low settlement, and delay dealing with you so they don't have to pay.

Let Our Car Accident Lawyers Help You Today

Serious Car Accidents happen every day. These accidents cause serious injuries, fractures, and loss of limbs and in some cases loss of life. It is vital to your case, that if you were injured in a car accident, that you seek the professional advice of a qualified Personal Injury Attorney. Campus Lawyers have a legal team available to you that are ready to listen, and then act in your behalf. Call today for your FREE no obligation consultation.

Count On Our Experienced Car Accident Lawyers

Campus Lawyers have represented clients statewide who have been seriously injured in car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents and many other accidents due to the negligence or recklessness of others. Our attorneys have settled some of the largest car accident cases in the country and our combined experience gives you a power house of aggressive lawyers who are ready to fight for your legal rights.

Contact Campus Lawyer

If you were injured in a car accident, please contact Campus Lawyer. Time is not on your side, and the longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to present your claim to the at fault insurance company. We offer "Free Consultations" and our "Fee Guarantee." If we are unable to win your case, there is never a cost to you. There is No Fee Unless We Settle. Call 1.800.755​.8998 today or simply fill out our online car accident form so that one of our lawyers may contact you.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Boca Raton FL Wrongful Death Attorney Brian Glick PA.

Wrongful death accidents can be caused by, Medical MalpracticeMotorcycle Accidents , Car AccidentsTruck Accidents and Defective Products. When loss of a life occurs due to the negligence of others, there are very few words that can console a family member or loved one. Justice for you and your family starts now. Call the Law Office of Brian J. Glick for a free case review. Let our experienced legal team offer you and your family a course of action that will ensure that these horrific accidents do not happen to other families. has over 100 years of combined legal experience helping families  who have suffered a wrongful death due to the negligence of others. Call 1-800-755-8998 for a free case review.

Wrongful Death Lawyers

If you are searching for the right attorney to help you with a case of wrongful death, we first want to give you our condolences. Sudden death is devastating and we can only hope to help anyway possible through this time of need. Campus Lawyers can seek the justice you and your family deserve. Our attorneys have represented families who have lost loved ones due to the negligence, medical malpractice, car accidents, or inaction of a third party. Wrongful death lawsuits can be filed by the families of loved ones against the responsible party in order to collect damages for their loss. We understand that nothing can bring loved ones back, but we work tirelessly to hold accountable the negligent party for their wrongful actions.

Wrongful Death Case Damages

Wrongful deaths can occur due to accidents from a motorcycle, truck, car or bus, construction accidents, animal attacks, nursing home abuse, defective products, or medical malpractice. In cases which a successful wrongful death lawsuit has been filed, thousands and even millions of dollars have been awarded to the families of the loved ones. Often times this money is used to pay for funeral expenses, medical bills and other expenses incurred by the wrongful death.

How Campus Lawyers Can Help

Hiring an experienced wrongful death attorney will always be your best course of action. The sooner you talk with one of our experts, the better. Our firm has experience in this field of law and we understand the challenges in filing a wrongful death law suit. We are also experts with the statues of limitations and are able to work within the state guidelines.

Contact Campus Lawyer

We offer "Free Consultations" and our "Fee Guarantee." If we are unable to win your case, there is never a cost to you. There is No Fee Unless We Settle. Call 1.800.755​.8998 today or simply fill out our online form so that one of our lawyers may contact you.

Monday, March 4, 2013

College Student Legal Assistance in Boca Raton, FL.

Schools and colleges are valued institutions that help build upon the Nation’s foundations and serve as an arena where the growth and stability of future generations begin. Crime in schools and colleges is therefore one of the most troublesome social problems in the Nation today. Not only does it affect those involved in the criminal incident, but it also hinders societal growth and stability. If you get in a bind on or off campus contact @ 1-800-755-8998 for legal assistance, we are here to help!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Boca Raton, FL. Car Accident Defense - Campus Lawyer

Car Accident Lawyers/Attorneys

Getting into a car accident brings lots of problems and headaches that can disrupt your life. Your car may be non-drivable and you may have serious injuries that require medical attention. When you contact 24/7 Campus Lawyers, we take the stress out of the equation and will help you get your car fixed and get you the medical attention that you need. This is a free service we provide to you when you become our client. The insurance company for the at-fault party will avoid your calls, try to offer you a low settlement, and delay dealing with you so they don't have to pay.

Let Our Car Accident Lawyers Help You Today

Serious Car Accidents happen every day. These accidents cause serious injuries, fractures, and loss of limbs and in some cases loss of life. It is vital to your case, that if you were injured in a car accident, that you seek the professional advice of a qualified Personal Injury Attorney. Campus Lawyers have a legal team available to you that are ready to listen, and then act in your behalf. Call today for your FREE no obligation consultation.

Count On Our Experienced Car Accident Lawyers

Campus Lawyers have represented clients statewide who have been seriously injured in car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents and many other accidents due to the negligence or recklessness of others. Our attorneys have settled some of the largest car accident cases in the country and our combined experience gives you a power house of aggressive lawyers who are ready to fight for your legal rights.

Contact Campus Lawyer

If you were injured in a car accident, please contact Campus Lawyer. Time is not on your side, and the longer you wait, the more difficult it becomes to present your claim to the at fault insurance company. We offer "Free Consultations" and our "Fee Guarantee." If we are unable to win your case, there is never a cost to you. There is No Fee Unless We Settle. Call 1.800.755​.8998 today or simply fill out our online car accident form so that one of our lawyers may contact you.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Boca Raton Attorney Brian Glick - Wrongful Death Defense

Wrongful death accidents can be caused by, Medical MalpracticeMotorcycle Accidents , Car AccidentsTruck Accidents and Defective Products. When loss of a life occurs due to the negligence of others, there are very few words that can console a family member or loved one. Justice for you and your family starts now. Call the Law Office of Brian J. Glick for a free case review. Let our experienced legal team offer you and your family a course of action that will ensure that these horrific accidents do not happen to other families. has over 100 years of combined legal experience helping families  who have suffered a wrongful death due to the negligence of others. Call 1-800-755-8998 for a free case review.

Boca Raton Car Accident Defense Attorney Brian Glick PA.

Were you or a loved one injured in a car accident in Boca Raton, FL? Are you now faced with medical bills, a totaled vehicle plus the insurance company is not returning your calls? You need a lawyer who will fight for your rights, and get you the money you deserve for your injuries and lost wages. Call the Law Offices of Brian J. Glick for a free case review. has over 100 years of combined legal experience helping those individuals who have been injured in car accidents due to the negligence of others. Call today *1-800-755-8998.  All consultations are free of charge.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Boca Raton Motor Cycle Accident Lawyer - Brian Glick P.A.

Were you or a loved one injured in a motorcycle accident in Boca Raton, FLMotorcycle accidents are one of the most dangerous and devastating accidents on our roadways. These accidents often leave behind a trail of destruction and many times serious injuries and fatalities occur. Know your rights and protect them. You need a lawyer who will fight for your rights, and deliver justice for you and your family. Call the Law Office of Brian J. Glick today for a free case review. has over 100 years of combined legal experience helping those individuals who have been injured in motorcycle accidents due to the negligence of others. Call us at 1-800-755-8998 *All consultations are free of charge.